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7 Reasons Your Organization Needs Video Conferencing

Video conferencing becomes increasingly more valuable as your team takes on more members. The larger your team grows, the harder it is to coordinate schedules and collaborate on projects.

You can break down boundaries with video conferencing and allow your teams to work together without having to be in the same room. What’s more, with tools like screen sharing, file sharing and breakout rooms, you give your team more options to swap ideas, exchange data and make your organization operate in a highly efficient manner.

Here’s 7 reasons why your business may need video conferencing to your tools:

1. You hired employees

Whether you’re the CEO of a company of five or 500, communication in integral to your business’s success. Even if you’re a freelancer, you still work with clients on a regular basis. Every businessperson needs to meet with others, exchange ideas, trade skills and collaborate on projects together.

Video conferencing gives you better communication tools and ensures you can always stay in contact with teams.

That means as your business grows and you finally hire employees, you’ll have a powerful communication infrastructure set in place with video conferencing as a crucial component.

2. You want to save money on travel costs

Traveling can easily get expensive. Between buying plane tickets, booking a hotel, and dining, the costs can pile up.

If your business has multiple locations or you hire remote employees, video conferencing can bring your entire team together while saving hundreds, if not thousands, in travel expenses.

With web conferencing, every time you want to meet with team members in another city, state, or country, they’re only an invitation and few clicks away.

3. You need to collaborate with teams instantly

News is most valuable when it’s fresh. Breaking news is especially timely, making the biggest impact closest to when the event took place. As a business, you’ll want to stay on the cutting edge of all the information most relevant to you as the news breaks.

Video conferencing over the web is instantaneous, making it quick and easy to share data promptly and in an effective fashion.

4. You work with international team members and clients

Traveling throughout the US is one thing, but international travel can be an entirely different obstacle to overcome. While the travel costs alone are not something that should be taken lightly, the time commitment it takes to travel across the world to meet with team members in other countries is also not practical.

Instead, bring team members together using video calls no matter if they work in Tokyo, Paris, or London. Not only will you reduce your overall telecommunications bill, you’ll improve productivity, too.

5. You want to be more accessible to your team

Video conferencing platforms make it easy for teams to sit face-to-face with one another at any time. When you’re not in the office or not around the normal places you work, mobile video conferencing is a game changer.

With video conferencing tools on the go, you can bring meetings with you everywhere you go. Host impromptu meetings with employees or set up a conference while you’re waiting for your flight. Mobile video conferencing gives you the flexibility to speak with your team anytime, anywhere.

6. You want to improve employee productivity

More than travel cost is the time and energy commitment it takes to meet with others to collaborate.

As a mentioned before, video conferencing frees up time and streamlines meetings. What’s more, video conferencing also helps teams remain in contact with one another more frequently. That means if you experience any post-meeting anxiety that you may have forgot something, it’s ok. You can get on a video call instantly and update your team.

Video conferencing makes it incredibly easy for members of your team to quickly share information without having to postpone projects or commit to setting aside time when everyone is available.

7. You want to keep in touch with loved ones

We all work for a reason. Many of us every day and put in the effort so we can go home to family, friends, or loved ones and have an enjoyable life.

Video conferencing lets you keep in touch with those most important to you no matter where they are in the world. That means even if you’re off on a business trip halfway across the globe, you won’t have to miss your daughters first steps or forget to say “goodnight.”

Video conferencing is a tool of the 21st century, technology that pushes the limits of communication and keeps conversations moving forward.

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