FreeConferenceCall Blog

Christmas in the Office

If you are a loyal FreeConferenceCall blog reader, then you know by now that we love potlucks! Christmas was just another reason for all of us to share our favorite dishes. Our potluck included delicious plates such as ham, barbacoa, salads, tamales, tacos, sweet pastries, just to name a few.

Below are a few images of the delicious dishes. 

A warn bread bowl filled with artichoke dip

A plate of salad with mandarin oranges

A plate filled with biscuits

We also conducted our yearly ‘Ugly Sweater Contest’. When you thought our sweaters from 2011 couldn’t get any uglier, think again! The sweaters this year were so ugly, it was difficult for our panel of judges to pick one and instead had two winners.

A woman in an ugly Christmas sweater standing in the kitchen

Inessa Nichols

An ugly Christmas sweater competition

Chris Macy

This year a new tradition was suggested by one of our team members to include a white elephant gift exchange. This became by far one of the most entertaining events in the FreeConferenceCall office. The gifts ranged from family board games to snow in a can!

We hope you had as much fun this holiday season as we did!

On that note, we hope everyone had a wonderful 2012. On our part, we commit ourselves to another year of loyal service to all our customers. We hope you had a safe and exciting end-of-year celebration.

We officially complete 2012!

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