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Customize your Calls: Audio Controls with

Did you know that you can customize your audio settings on See our quick tips below for changing tone controls, muting callers, and suggestions on how to limit static and echoes on your conference line.

Ways on How to Customize Audio Controls with

Change your default tone settings.

The default meeting setting for entry and exit tones are on. This means that whenever a person joins or leaves your conference call, you will hear a tone. For small meetings, these tones can be helpful, but on large conference calls, these tones may become disruptive. Press *8 once to turn off both entry and exit tones. Press *8 again to set the entry tone off, leaving the exit tone on. Press *8 a third time to set your entry tone on, leaving the exit tone off. Dial *8 one last time to return the tone controls to the default setting.

Manage mute controls.

The default setting for any conference call is for an open conversation. For presentations, or large calls, it can be helpful for hosts to mute the audience during certain portions of the call. There are three different modes of host-controlled muting. To mute the audience, the host may press *5. In this mode, the audience may unmute themselves by pressing *6 to ask questions. *6 will also allow guest speakers the option to speak. To mute the audience without the option to unmute themselves, the host must press *5 a second time. Pressing *5 a third time returns the call to its open conversation default setting.

Cut down on static and echoes.

If you experience static or echoes on your call, it can be helpful for hosts to mute all the lines by pressing *5 once. Be sure to let your audience know that in this mode, they can unmute themselves by pressing *6. To further reduce noise, refrain from using speakers or headsets during conference calls.

Have more questions about touch tone controls? At any time during your call, press *4 for a list of touch tone instructions.

As always, if you ever need assistance with your account, just give us a call for toll free, 24-hour customer support at 877-216-7555.

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