FreeConferenceCall Blog Founder & CEO Tells All: Why There’s a Problem With Long-Term Plans

David Erickson, founder and CEO, is getting buzz! His recent video interview with Business Rockstars was shared with partner Entrepreneur. In the video, Erickson talks about making plans, catching the entrepreneurial spirit, the role of procrastination and where he gets his best ideas.

The Best Laid Plans Change

Entrepreneur writes, “He also explains his one major problem with plans — once you make them, you need to follow them. But often, in life, new circumstances or information make evolution necessary. When that time comes, as an entrepreneur, are you willing to change and adapt, or will you stick stubbornly to the old plan you made?”

The takeaway? Changing plans is often necessary throughout the entrepreneurial journey. Erickson advises others to be flexible with their plans.

Read the article and watch the full interview here.

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