FreeConferenceCall Blog offers tools for Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief Organizations and Affected Communities

Hurricane Irene is headed toward the east coast and we are dedicated in providing quick and efficient communication tools to the people affected during the disaster. Our free tools provide emergency responders and community leaders with the opportunity to instantly communicate important disaster response plans and emergency information that can help save lives. The free tools now available include:

  • FreeConferenceCall: Conference with large scale groups to assess damages, organize volunteers and plan for recovery.
  • SimpleVoiceBox: A voicemail service that can be used to provide outgoing messages for status reports, disaster relief, and information about shelters or other services that listeners can access at anytime.
  • SimpleVoiceCenter: Multiple voice boxes for listeners to access a variety of messages all at one number at their discretion.

To sign up and learn more about our disaster relief services, visit or call our 24/7 Customer Service line at 877.482.5838 (Domestic U.S.) or 562.437.1411 (International) or email

We hope everyone who may be affected by Hurricane Irene remains safe during this potential disaster and know that we are committed to providing FREE telecommunication tools for when it matters most.

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