FreeConferenceCall Blog Welcomes Pakistan!

It is a great pleasure to announce the arrival of FreeConferenceCall International to Pakistan!

If you have family, friends, or business colleagues in Pakistan, you can now provide them with a dial-in number in that country.  We also welcome users in Pakistan to open their own account to conference with people in or outside their country!

If you already have a FreeConferenceCall International account, the Pakistani phone number can be obtained by logging in online.  To login or to open your own international account, visit the FreeConferenceCall International page.

Let’s learn more about our newest family member. Below are some fun facts about Pakistan!

Did you Know…

  • The 3 most popular sports played in Pakistan are Cricket, Hockey and Football (Soccer)
  • The ethnic composition of Pakistan is 97% Muslim
  • Pakistan Day is March 23rd (This Saturday!) and Independence Day is on August 14th

Country pins stuck into the ground

Make sure to return next week for the announcement of another country!

Have a safe weekend readers.

(Image Source:

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