FreeConferenceCall Blog

FreeConferenceCall International is Taking Over Europe!

In our last post we announced that in the month of August we released 8 European countries to our international service. In the month of September, FreeConferenceCall International introduced 5 additional countries!  We would like to welcome:

  • Denmark
  • Hungary
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Turkey

As mentioned in previous post, if you already registered with FreeConferenceCall International, these countries have already been added to your existing account.

You might be asking yourself how is this service beneficial to you?  Here are just a few reasons:

  1. You can set up meetings without reservation
  2. You are able record the conference
  3. You may have up to 96 people on one call
  4. Every account comes with free screen sharing
  5. There is customer service available 24/7 to answer any questions

Okay, so you don’t have business in other countries, but you may have family and friends!  This service is also a great tool to communicate with your loved ones!

What if a country you would like to conference with is not available? Send us an email at and let us know what country you would like to see added to your FreeConferenceCall International account.  Please remember that anyone can connect by calling any of the dial-in numbers we currently offer!  Below you will see the most updated list of countries FreeConferenceCall International offers.

A collage of countries provides international conferencing in

If you would like to meet some of our FreeConferenceCall team members you will want to read our net blog post!

Have a great day everyone!

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