FreeConferenceCall Blog

FreeConferenceCall International Offers Even More Countries

The month of August was a release month of 8 European countries.  We would like to officially welcome:

  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Finland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Slovenia

If you are already registered with FreeConferenceCall International the local dial-in numbers for these countries were automatically added to your account!  To view the complete list of countries you may login to your account online.  If you don’t already own an account, you may register by simply providing a name and email address.   Keep in mind, every account also includes Free Screen Sharing, which allows you to share your desktop with your conference, at no cost to you!

A portrait of an older man with a long white beard(Alexander Graham Bell)

Did you know that the Alexander Graham Bell, creator of the telephone, was born in Scotland.  Which is part of Europe! (Image on right: Alexander Graham Bell)


  • Alexander Graham Bell suggested ‘Hoy Hoy’ was the original telephone greeting, but was later changed by Thomas Edison, who suggested ‘Hello’ instead.
  • In Milan, Italy, when an operator dialed a wrong number, the phone company fined the operator.

On that note, we are thankful no one gets fined for dialing the wrong number and you are able to use FreeConferenceCall for FREE!

If you have any questions regarding the release of these countries to FreeConferenceCall International, you may contact our Customer Service Department by calling (877) 482-5838 or 1-562-437-1411.

Come back next week!  Have a safe weekend everyone and if you haven’t done so yet, start planning you costume for Halloween!

(Image Source: best-breezes.squarespace)


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