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How to Use Online Meetings with Your Customers

No matter what industry you’re in, meetings with customers are essential for the success of your business. Whether you provide a service or offer a product, you want to develop a strong relationship with your customers to ensure you’re received well throughout the community. 

Online meetings are perfect tools for connecting with customers and learning more about your company from the client’s perspective. It’s become even more important now when many businesses can’t meet face to face with their customers. Online meetings are essential for keeping communications with your business and its community open. 

Here are five ways you can use online meetings with your customers.

1. Sales meetings

When you’re ready to land a big client, you want to get on a call with them to hash out any details of your contract. You’ll also have this opportunity to showcase your product and highlight the benefits your customer will earn once they’ve partnered with your service or purchased your product. 

A sales meeting can streamline the customer acquisition process and make it easier to turn leads into paying clients. Online meetings serve as the perfect way to meet with clients no matter where your business or your clients are located.

2. Customer Feedback

Making improvements to your business is essential to not only earning new customers but retaining your current ones. 

Hosting online meetings give your customers a platform where they can voice their opinions and offer feedback on your products or services. Feedback can be a big help in learning how you can enhance your deliverable and improve the customer experience. 

You can easily get your community to join a representative from your company on an online meeting by sending an email announcement and posting information on your social media. During the time of the meeting, make sure to have a mediator that’s controlling who gets to speak and monitoring community engagement. Your mediator will be able to manage who’s speaking and ensure your online meetings stay on topic.

3. Announcements

Nintendo does a really great job with this—if you want to connect with your customers, you want to reach out with new information as it becomes available and presentable. 

The Nintendo company often holds what they call “Nintendo Directs” that announce upcoming games, updates to popular titles and any news that would excite their loyal customers. This helps build a positive relationship between the company and their community. 

Your business can do something similar and announce updates to your products or services as well as announce any other information you’d like to share with your customers. Your customer will appreciate the transparency and have something to look forward to in the near future.

4. Training Sessions

Not everyone can be an expert right away, especially when a product is brand new to them. It’s imperative to the success of your product or service that your customers know how to use your product effectively and efficiently. 

While many people will have the intuition to learn your product on their own, they may not always get the most out of it. 

As part of the team that created and distributed the product or service, your business has insights that no other user will have. It’s your responsibility to help your customers understand the product or service and maximize their experience. This training will help your customers better understand how your product or service works and get the most out of their experience.

5. Customer Service

This last option for servicing customers is a no-brainer. If you provide a product or service, you’ll definitely want to give your community access to one-on-one customer service help. 

When customers have issues with your product or service, getting one-on-one help can turn an angry customer into an advocate in minutes. Not only will you help your customer learn how to troubleshoot your product or service, you’ll get even more feedback on how you can improve your business going forward. You’ll also quell any discontent your customers may have had and encourage even more positive experiences.

How to Jump on an Online Meeting with Your Customer

There are a handful of conferencing platforms on the market that can fit your needs. is an excellent option for free online meetings with up to 1,000 participants. Users get access to tools like audio and video calling, screen sharing and call recording, helping customers get more out of their meetings. Here’s how to get started with 

  1. Visit and create an account. What’s awesome about Free Conference Call is that no private information is required other than a person’s email address. No credit cards. No contract. Nothing that would jeopardize your security online is needed to get started.
  2. After creating your account, download the mobile or desktop app. You’ll soon get access to the dashboard where you’ll be able to host a meeting or join someone else’s.
  3. Once you’re all set up, invite your attendees by sharing your meeting credentials. At the time of your conference, start your meeting and wait for your guests to join. It’s as easy as that.

Get started connecting with customers. Join Free Conference Call today and invite your community to join you on an online meeting.

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