FreeConferenceCall Blog

It’s Your Rollout, End User: Take Collaboration into Your Own Hands

By Brad Dupee 

In Overcoming Resistance: 3 Critical Components of a Successful Tech Tool Rollout, we talked about how to manage a rollout from an IT decision-maker’s (ITDM) perspective. But what if you’re not part of the IT department? Don’t worry — we’ve got a strategy for you, too. 

ITDMs are discovering that the bring-your-own-application (BYOA) trend has reshaped how adoption happens. In a recent Frost & Sullivan survey of 300 IT employees and 300 line-of-business managers, 80 percent of respondents were found to use software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications not approved by IT. For Business™, for example, has users in nearly every Fortune 500 company. The takeaway? End users are increasingly driving digital tool uptake because they understand what works for them. As Tim Banting, principal analyst for collaboration and communications at Current Analysis, explains, “People need something that’s easy to use and fits with their work style and their work flow.” So if you find a tool that fits your organization and your business needs, share it with colleagues and pass it up the chain. 

ITDMs are bound by proving value and ROI. Irwin Lazar, vice president and service director at Nemertes Research, confirms, “The single biggest factor that people are struggling with is demonstrating the value of the investment.” With cloud-based technology services that use a SaaS model, however, entry costs are often negligible and installation straightforward. Moving ahead no longer requires the IT department’s stamp of approval. 

Today’s business reality, then, is that enterprise IT buyers can come from any department. Particularly with a low-cost platform like For Business, waiting for budget approvals and compatibility testing has been replaced by a “check it out and see what happens” approach. If it doesn’t work, either revert to the old system or keep up the search. 

If you are unfamiliar with what For Business offers, we invite you to find out, whether you’re an ITDM or an employee with a need for better collaboration. Create an account and connect with 1 to 1,000 attendees using HD audio, video and screen sharing.





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