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5 Marketing Strategies That Work

A focused marketing strategy is a viable avenue for growth at any stage of your business development.

Most importantly, digital marketing is an incredibly useful tool for advertising your services in the modern market. A vibrant online presence will attract new clients and help retain existing ones.

These 5 marketing strategies will help you take advantage of your resources and convert leads into new clients.

1. Build a Website

Your first step into marketing in the digital age is creating a beautiful and easy-to-navigate website.

Your website should reflect your business and display all the details about your services or product. Here, you’ll be able to leverage your website using other forms of marketing we’ll discuss later in this article, like SEO, Google My Business and PPC.

On your website, you’ll be able to build your brand and use your content as a digital business card for anyone looking to find your services and learn more about what your business can do.

A good and well-designed website is an essential marketing tool in your advertising efforts.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) fine-tunes your web presence to fit Google’s preferences. It helps Google find your pages and put them at the forefront of the people looking for them.

If you want to have a successful SEO campaign, you’ll first want to build your buyer persona. Determine common attributes between your buyers, like their needs, habits, and preferences. Building a buyer persona is very important in finding your target market and advertising your products and services to the right audience. 

Next, research keywords relevant to your buyer persona. For example, if you’re marketing for blue shoes for toddlers, you may want to optimize your website for the key phrase “blue shoes for toddlers.” This helps usher traffic onto your website and increases your chances of finding leads and converting them.

When building your website, put these keywords in the right places, such as in the site titles, H1 tags and meta-descriptions. This is called on-page SEO.

SEO gurus keep up with Google’s updates and build strategies based on the latest changes to the algorithm. You may want to research their tactics or hire their services to implement best practices when creating your landing pages.

Google My Business
Optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is key to ensuring your brick & mortar location is recognized by relevant and local prospects

GMB listings are shown to the right of organic search results, meaning people looking for your services will see your business as an option faster and easier.

When you set up your profile, make sure your contact information matches across all platforms. Choose a relevant category so Google pulls your listing for the right services. 

The most attractive listings have multiple excellent reviews and high-quality photos. Incentivize your clientele to leave good reviews with promotional deals and upload photos that demonstrate your service or showcase your products. A quality store-front image helps new clients navigate to your establishment easily. 

3. Pay-Per-Click

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising lets your listing show up first in online search results. As the name implies, you only pay when someone clicks on the ad. 

Tools like GoogleAdWords or BingAds help businesses easily create PPC campaigns. Target your audience through keywords and convert leads using quality ad copy. Keep in mind that PPC ads have a small advertising space–you’ll only have a URL, a short description and a headline to work with. 

To get the most out of your campaign, manage your keywords with charts. Visualizing and researching related search terms helps you understand search intent vs. buyer intent. For example, long-tail terms (like “pink high top sneakers”) have higher purchase intent than a short generic term (like “sneakers”) alone.

PPC can attract new visitors easily. However, to convert these visitors to clients, you will need optimized landing pages and a strong call-to-action. Publish your business webpage before starting your PPC campaign.

4. Social Media 

A vivid social media presence helps you connect with your clientele and build brand loyalty. 


Facebook Ads work similar to Google’s PPC campaigns. Facebook’s Ads Management tool makes it simple to create targeted advertising campaigns. 

First, create an attractive business page on the Facebook platform. Next, Facebook Ads Manager will walk you through your strategy options. After choosing a campaign objective and a target demographic, you’re ready to create ads and roll them out. 

Advertising with Facebook isn’t free, but there are ways to maximize your return on investment (ROI). Specific and detailed targeting will help convert impressions and visitors into clients.

Facebook even offers a budget optimization tool to make it easier on advertisers, along with the occasional promotional discount.


Instagram (IG) has one billion monthly active users-this presents a huge marketing opportunity for businesses. You can advertise both organically and through paid campaigns. 

Queue up quality content via posts and stories so your page is active and interesting. This gathers organic traffic while legitimizing your brand.

Be advised that the IG algorithm is no longer chronological. The most relevant posts populate at the top of a user’s feed rather than the most recent. This means your posts need to receive lots of engagement if you want them to be seen.

Facebook owns Instagram, meaning IG offers a similar ad campaign manager for paid advertising. Target your audience based on their behaviors, interests and locations, and reach them by populating their feed and the explore page with interesting and interactive content.

5. Traditional Marketing

Billboard, newspaper, magazine, radio and television ads may not have the same impact as back in the day but still prove highly rewarding in today’s market. Traditional marketing methods advertise your business to customers local to your business’s reach. 

When using these methods, it’s still important to consider the target audience. For example, car insurance agents and drive-through services tend to use billboard advertisements along the highway because motorists are their target audience. Television ads that run during children’s programming are often for toys or snacks.

Consider your target buyer and advertise through the forms of traditional media relevant to your business’s product or service.

If you want to get the most out of your business, you’ll want to set up strong, rewarding marketing strategies. Bookmark this page for later. This list is a helpful tool as you engage in marketing your business.

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