Are You Ready for July?

flowers with with word JulyWelcome back readers! Have you noticed that summer is getting hotter by the day? This is great news since 4th of July is just around the corner! As for the rest of the month, check out what we have in store below:

  • FreeConferenceCall will begin the month with great ideas on how to celebrate the 4th of July.
  • Expect to learn all the details regarding the two upcoming shows: Mary Kay Seminar and ASAE 2013.
  • Two more countries are in preparation to join FreeConferenceCall International.

Stay connected to our blog to continue learning more about our services, events and the life of the FreeConferenceCall Office!

If there is a specific topic you would like to read about, please feel free to send us an email at

Come back tomorrow for some great ideas on how to celebrate the 4th of July!

(Image Source: blogcorrosa.blogspot)

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