New Year, New Vibe

A laptop with homepage

By Cristina Varela

They say the best things in life are free — and in our case, it’s absolutely true. We are excited to announce the unveiling of our newly designed homepage showcasing how our services are one of greatest free things life has to offer. And, if you don’t believe us, just ask some of our nearly 5 million registered customers.

The theme of work and play is incorporated into the new look and feel of our brand story. The company, founded in 2001, has grown to become the largest and most recognized free conferencing brand on the planet. With local dial-in numbers in more than 60 countries, offers free audio, video and screen sharing for up to 1,000 participants. It’s no wonder we’ve grown into a global sensation.

The new homepage design includes examples of unique, everyday use cases. The site serves to showcase the company’s mission to “provide a borderless platform that bridges countries and collaborators, creating a space where we can all freely connect, share and innovate — without cost and without limits.”

The messaging and images represent the millions of loyal users, including prayer groups, non-profit organizations, academia, businesspeople, government agencies and families — and the freedom they have to conference however they want, from wherever they are. And, there is no catch. accounts never expire. They’re free forever.

So, the question now is — how will you do free? Check out our new homepage and let us know by tweeting us @FreeConfCall.

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