#MeatlessMonday Recipes From the FreeConferenceCall.com Kitchen

Meatless Monday veggie tacos

Welcome to the FreeConferenceCall.com virtual kitchen of meatless meals! In case you haven’t heard, #MeatlessMonday is a global movement with a simple message: Once a week, cut the meat. Five weeks ago, at our headquarters in Long Beach, California, we joined the meatless Monday movement with six employees. How does it work? We each take turns bringing meatless meals to = feed the whole group — all in an effort to launch better eating habits, get inspired by a meatless diet and give our bodies a break from saturated fat. Plus save the planet. 

It’s been delicious. And as a testament, our little group is growing. So in case you need your own Meatless Monday inspiration, we’ve included our first round of recipes below. Recreate ‘em exactly or tailor to your tastebuds — just get cooking! Read More...

Best iPad Apps for 2017

Battle Golf screen shot

By James Barrett

The iPad remains the best tablet on the market — particularly the 9.7” iPad, released back in April. It’s not just a clean, intuitive experience. It’s the wealth of applications available on the App Store, specifically designed for this device — and they span every category you can imagine. No matter how you use your iPad, iPad apps are what make your device your own. But there’s a lot of options to choose from, and the sheer volume can be overwhelming. To make the job a bit easier, I’ve come up with a list of some of the best iPad apps for 2017 and beyond. Don’t miss out on grabbing some of the best iPad apps for your essential gadget. Read More...

Meet Our People: Heather Hall, Director of Finance at FreeConferenceCall.com

Heather Hall, Director of Finance at FreeConferenceCall.com

By Heather Hall

I’m Heather Hall, and I’ve been Director of Finance at FreeConferenceCall.com for the last two and a half years — it’s taken me almost that long to decorate my office (priorities, people). I came to the company with nearly 15 years experience in the telecom field. Industry-speak would probably refer to me and other long-term telco folks as “dinosaurs” — there aren’t many of us left! Read More...

Cutting Costs as a Small Business

Video conferencing technology for small business

By Jessica Sullivan, Guest Blogger

Small businesses generally have it tough. You don’t get the benefit of economies of scale and you don’t have as much influence on the wider economic and political environment. What can you do? You can specialize, innovate and fill a unique role in the marketplace. So whether you have a physical location, online presence, or both — there are some ways you can scale back your outgoings and keep your finances out of the red. Read More...

The 13 Best iPhone Apps for Toddler Parents, Part Three

Baby Connect App

Welcome back, mamas and papas! To briefly recap, this series has so far reviewed the best iPhone apps for entertaining toddlers and the best shopping apps for busy parents. In Part Three, we’ll discuss health apps, and apps that help you not lose the stuff you need. Including your kids.

Health Apps

For just about every health-related need, check out Baby Connect. Picked by Apple as a featured App for Busy Moms (or dads), it’s the most comprehensive baby tracking application on the AppStore. This health app features graphical reports and trending charts, weekly averages, medicine, vaccine and growth tracking, timers, notifications, reminder alarms, emails and more. Plus it syncs to cloud so family members and child care providers can be in the know. ($4.99, App Store/Play Store) Read More...