Live in Afghanistan: Grows its Global Roster

Conference call Afghanistan

Hi there, international conference callers. is excited to announce a new addition to our global roster. WIth every free account, users can now conference call Afghanistan.

How it Works

Are you a host?To find the dial-in number, login to your account and click View List under Account Information. Then simply provide participants in Afghanistan with the secure, local in-country dial-in number and your access code, along with the date and time of the meeting. At the scheduled time of the conference, participants dial in, enter the access code, and are connected. Read More... For the Classroom Gives Award to Tech Integrator

Video conferencing in education

Congratulations to tech integrator, Kat Tacea! For the Classroom awarded Kat an Amazon Echo last weekend for demonstrating the innovative use of tech in the classroom. Kat is a teacher and librarian at Lafayette Elementary School in the Long Beach Unified School District.

We met Kat at CUE. While she was familiar with, she wasn't a frequent user. Nevertheless, Kat took on the challenge of finding creative ways to use the service — and set up a video conferencing session between her 5th graders and nearby high school students learning Spanish. It was a hit on both sides of the screen. Now, Kat is finding more and more ways to use free video conferencing in the classroom. That’s the power of partnership!  Read More...

Now Connect with Tanzania using

Call Tanzania. Tanzanian flag with fabric structure

Need to call Tanzania? recently added Tanzania to its global roster of over 60 countries, effectively expanding the company's presence in East Africa. Now, users in Tanzania have access to the most updated version of this unique communication and collaboration service. Read more about this exciting release in Biztech Africa.

Included Features 

  • Free high-definition audio, screen sharing and video for up to 1,000 participants
  • Free international calling
  • Free recording with free 1GB storage
  • Free audio web controls and customized Meeting Wall
  • Free integrations with Google Calendar™, Outlook® and more


Putting an End to the Access Code Fumble

You know how it goes. The conference call started a minute ago, but you’re still looking for the access code. Let’s put those annoying moments behind us, shall we? For Business™ is excited to announce that our popular One Number feature will be available May 2nd on StartMeeting®! In other words, say goodbye to pesky little access codes, and hello to easier-than-ever conferencing. It's a secure conference call with no access code. 

One Number allows everyone to connect to conferences just by calling the dial-in number. And, for those hosts who are (still) constantly late to meetings, a text notice is sent as soon as the first participant connects to the call. Message and data rates may apply — but hey, it’s worth it. Read More...

StartMeeting Just Got Personal: Now Record Video Conferences with Multiple Participants

Video conferencing with multiple participants

At For Business™, we know you need the very best business communication and collaboration tools at your disposal. That’s why we’ve just enhanced our video conferencing functionality — to make it easier to conference face-to-face. Driven by active speaker technology, StartMeeting® now offers a more streamlined experience when you video conference with multiple participants. We’ve also added one-click video recording, so your participants will never miss an action item.

Multi-Feed Video

Simple is Stupendous: The Human Resource and For Business Keep HR Accessible 

picture of Laura Sankovich, Founder of The Human Resource

Laura Sankovich, Founder of The Human Resource

The Human Resource (THR), a national consulting firm, believes that HR should be a little humdrum.  Founded by Laura Sankovich in 2004 and operated in partnership with her husband, Todd, this power team asserts that the waters will remain (mostly) calm with the benefit of excellent HR strategy and clear procedures in place. THR offers a comprehensive list of individual services and affordable monthly contracts that provide peace of mind. They promise that together with THR, human resources will become refreshingly routine. So what's the story with HR podcasts?

The Challenge: Keeping a Focus on What’s Important