Nutty Professoring and Going Along for the Ride: David Erickson Talks Entrepreneurship with Dean Rotbart of Monday Morning Radio

What do you get when you mix a self-professed telecommunications “wannabe” with a healthy dose of bootstrapping, a little naiveté and a dash of revenue sharing with a small Iowa phone company? Make sure to leave out the venture capital. Cook 15 years. And that, somewhat surprisingly, is the recipe for nine-digit revenue and the most recognized retail conferencing brand on the planet. As founder and CEO David Erickson tells Dean Rotbart on Monday Morning Radio, it’s “some kind of nutty professor stuff.” Indeed it is, Dave.

The interview also dives into deeper waters: Rotbart asks if Erickson has any regrets, or teleconferencing takebacks, if you will.  Erickson reflected not on a particular decision or a deal gone wrong, but on managing stress — on learning to bear the weight of the behemoth he was building. Cash-strapped, Erickson “was an entrepreneur that was maybe a little bit over my skis…” was in a relentless pursuit for the marketplace — and then 2005 came, when that same booming market threatened to max out the platform. “The thing kept growing and growing and growing and I'm thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, what are we going to do?’ We just made it through on the skin of our teeth.” Read More...

Wishing for World Peace? Have We Got an Easy Win for You. celebrates World Hello Day

It’s been an emotionally charged month here in the U.S., and people around the world report feeling divided (Pew Research Center, 2016). That gives World Hello Day particular relevance this November as a day of greeting and goodwill dedicated to promoting peace and bridging barriers between nationalities. Taking part couldn't be easier. With the aim of reaching outside your established circles of communication, say hi and greet at least 10 people. 

One way to meet that goal is to hop on a conference call with colleagues around the world. But instead of getting right down to business, spend a few minutes going around the virtual table and greeting each person. It doesn’t matter if they are in the next cubicle or on another continent — spreading a little harmony will help build a stronger and more productive team. And world peace is right around the corner. Read More...

Get the Gravy on Gratitude: 8 Benefits of Giving Thanks That Last Longer Than Leftovers

Grandfather and grandson take a selfie with the turkey

Thanksgiving comes to the U.S. just once a year, yet there are year-round benefits to being grateful. Research has repeatedly shown that grateful people are healthier and happier than those who don’t express gratitude. That’s enough to make anyone want to shout “thank you” from the rooftops. But in lieu of that — we have a lot of tile roofing here in California, it’s a bit precarious to climb on — is celebrating Thanksgiving by shining our proverbial light on the benefits of adopting that attitude of gratitude. Here’s why being grateful this Thanksgiving and beyond is good for you:

  1. Improves Attitude: Expressing gratitude makes you feel more positive and optimistic, which reduces stress and helps improve overall mental fortitude. Tip: A little grumpy? Force yourself to half-smile. Even the ghost of a smile releases endorphins, so faking it will actually feel like making it.

  2. Increases Energy Levels: Gratitude and vitality are strongly correlated — grateful people being much more likely to report physical and mental vigor. That’s extra important when combatting all the tryptophan in your turkey dinner.

  3. Improves Mental Health: Happiness is healthy, folks. The next time you feel upset or frustrated, write down what you’re thankful for. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a leading gratitude researcher, reported that this exercise helps you find balance as you process emotions and may even reduce depression. Taking stock of the good stuff also makes you less likely to compare yourself to other people.

  4. Enhances Physical Health: It’s not just that grateful people exercise more frequently and visit the doctor for annual checkups. They also report feeling healthier as well.

  5. Promotes Better Sleep: Jotting down what you’re thankful for each day boosts your mood and reduces stress, which can help you sleep better at night. Tip: Keep a notebook by your bed and counter your worries with gratitude for what’s going well.

  6. Increases Empathy: Gratitude may make you more sensitive toward other people’s feelings. Studies show grateful people are less likely to resort to retaliation when they experience negativity from others.

  7. Builds Stronger Relationships: In the same vein, a simple ‘thank you’ lays the groundwork for a stronger relationship — whether expressing gratitude to a loved one or a stranger. Use to connect with a distant friend or family member and say thanks. It’s an easy way to acknowledge someone for their efforts and make them feel special.

  8. Spreads Happiness: Gratitude positively impacts your overall well-being, making you happier and more satisfied with your life. It doesn’t get better than that.

A Perfect Marriage of (No) Cost and Convenience: Event Planning with

Organization of events, manager planning party. Creative work, event company, startup, small business concept

At, we love to hear about all the creative ways of using our service. Ready for the latest addition to an ever-expanding list? According to Ashanti First Class Travel and Concierge, is 1 of 4 Tools That Will Make Planning Your Wedding Much Easier.

Swimming in swatches and centerpieces? Don’t let the vast array of vendors become overwhelming. Just invite your local or global event team to a conference call or online meeting and bring the right people together. And, as Ashanti asserts, “…you are good to go.” Read More...

Get on the Right Path: Publishes New E-Book for Virtual Meetings

The Tao of Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings Are Here to Stay

The medium of collaboration has changed. Virtual meetings are fast replacing the boardroom for everyday meetings. With the availability of cloud-based collaboration services, all knowledge workers have the opportunity to increase engagement and build business relationships. Sure, workers will continue to meet around the conference room table. But chances are at least a few are joining remotely. Read More...