Wondering How to Call India? Use FreeConferenceCall.com to Connect with India from the United States for Free

Whether you’re growing a global business or connecting with friends and family, calling India can take up a lot of space on your phone bill. Some online alternatives, like Skype, aren’t always reliable in a country with some of the slowest broadband internet speeds in the world.

So how do you phone India without the associated cost? In other words, how do you get free access to 1.25 billion people? Fortunately, there’s an easy answer — because FreeConferenceCall.com now has a local in-country dial-in number for India. There’s no need to call India, not when you can free conference call India instead. And with FreeConferenceCall.com, you can say goodbye to poor call quality and freezing video feeds.

How Does It Work?

Every FreeConferenceCall.com account provides a list of international dial-in numbers in 61 countries and counting, including India. Just give participants the dial-in number and access code, along with the date and time of the conference. India conference call participants will simply call the dial-in number, enter the access code and be immediately connected on the conferencing bridge.

Of course, screen sharing and video conference are also available and included with every free account. But having local in-country dial-in numbers allows participants to choose how they will join in — on the platform that works best for them.

If you have any questions, reach out to our award-winning Customer Care team 24/7 at (844) 844-1322.

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