Category Archives: Free Conference Calls

Phone a Prayer

A man on his phone and laptop

FreeConferenceCall is perfect for telephone prayer. Prayer lines and church organizations frequently use our conferencing lines to gather people around the world in a simple and efficient manner.  This is perfect when prayer/church members who live a great distance from each other or when there simply isn’t time to drive out to a specific location.  FreeConferenceCall doesn’t only save users time but money by enabling them to interact over the telephone instead of traveling.

Below are just some of the benefits of using FreeConferenceCall line for prayer: Read More...

Last but Definitely not Least

You are almost done learning everything about StartMeeting.  We cannot conclude StartMeeting without informing you of the 3 useful enhancements we offer to personalize your account!

  • Custom Hold Music - Upload a music file that will play while participants wait for the host to join. This feature is $2.00 a month.
  • Custom Greeting - Upload a recording of your personalized greeting for participants to hear when entering your conference. This feature is $2.00 a month.
  • Extra Storage for Recordings- Add storage for your recordings.  Prices begin as low as $3.00 dollars a month providing 10GB.  StartMeeting will provide one complementary GB of storage.

This completes our coverage of StartMeeting. If you have any questions please contact our customer service team at (800) 644-9070 or via email at Read More...

You Missed a Meeting? No Problem!

Web Control with recording option circle in red

You can’t attend a meeting, it happens to all of us. Now what?

The host of the StartMeeting conference can help by recording it. Recording a meeting might sound intimidating, but in reality the process is quite simple. At the beginning of a meeting the host can record both the audio conference and the screen share session from their meeting controls (which we will discuss in full on our next post). Below you will see an image of the button that has to be switched to ‘ON’, that’s it. StartMeeting will record the visual and audio portion of the meeting (if both are being used, otherwise only audio is recording if screen sharing is not being used and vice versa). Once the meeting is completed the recording button must be switched to ‘OFF’. Read More...

Personalize Your Meeting

StartMeeting Wall with the word 'Edit' circled in red

We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. This week we will continue presenting the various features of StartMeeting.

As mentioned in our previous post, StartMeeting offers Screen Sharing. By registering for Screen Sharing you will also receive a customizable Meeting Wall! With this feature you have the ability to personalize a landing page that your participants will see when joining your meeting. This page (Meeting Wall) can be customized to your preference at any time. Editing the page is fairly simple; all you have to do is login to your StartMeeting account. As soon as you login you will land on your Meeting Wall that looks like the image below. Read More...