Category Archives: Uncategorized

Millennials Changing the Workforce One Free Conference Call at a Time

A group of millenials sitting on the floor, against a wall with devices in their hands

By Cristina Varela, Marketing Coordinator

Adulting is hard. No one said it would be easy — but can you cut us a little slack here? Trying to find a suitable career after college is in itself a daunting task, but trying to get a handle on the ever-evolving tools used in business is no picnic either. Fax machine, Rolodex,  pencil — come again? Today, we scan our documents with cell phones, store our contacts in the cloud and have moved up to an iPencil. Technology is awesome, especially when it helps make our jobs a little bit less complicated. Read More...

3 Common Conferencing Woes As Told By Emojis + Emojis = Freemojis (logo)

While we consider ourselves pretty tech-savvy over here at, even we aren’t immune to the inevitable and often hilarious scenarios that come with using conference calling on the daily.  

With so many outside factors impacting our 📞s, a remote meeting is certainly never boring. There’s the person that’s always late to the call types 🤦 face palm emoji 🤦 in the group chat or the guy who talks in a monotone voice about things way outside our realm of understanding 😴😴. Read More...

A New Kind of Cookie Cutter Approach to Selling Business Conferencing

A man staring at a wall filled with business words

Our resident Director, Strategic Accounts for For Business, Brandon Klein, recently wrote an article for Forbes detailing how he created a unique sales approach to fit our corporate conference calling service. It’s his own version of a cookie cutter approach.

He elaborates on how he found a clean fit between our company and others. He offers insightful tips on how to create your own version of his model, including how to understand your product, package yourself, believe in your approach, and grow your business. As our founder and CEO, David Erickson, says, “Sales is the transference of energy.” If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, Klein says, chances are no one else will, either. Read More...

New Year, New Vibe

A laptop with homepage

By Cristina Varela

They say the best things in life are free — and in our case, it’s absolutely true. We are excited to announce the unveiling of our newly designed homepage showcasing how our services are one of greatest free things life has to offer. And, if you don’t believe us, just ask some of our nearly 5 million registered customers. Read More...

Heading to PTC '18: Connecting Worlds with

PTC '18 Pacific Telecommunications Council annual conference

PTC ’18

Hello, Honolulu! is thrilled to be heading back to the heart of the Pacific Rim due to the annual conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC). This year, PTC '18, is the 40th anniversary of the premier telecommunications event. Joins Other Industry Leaders heads to Hawaii to continue to build off the momentum of 2017’s head-turning international growth. Last year, we launched our full-feature offering to international users — including audio conferencing, video conferencing and screen sharing — in almost 10 new languages: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Especially noteworthy was the addition of local dial-in numbers for new users in Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and also the Middle East. Learn more about 2017 releases or free international conferencing. Read More...