Share Better Using Your StartMeeting Wall

Your Meeting Wall is your virtual conference room. It's always open, requires no reservations, and allows you quickly and conveniently host collaborative meetings, share meeting materials, and participate in live discussions via chat or voice.

Loaded with customizable features, your Meeting Wall is a great way to collaborate and share materials with your audience before, during, and after your meetings. In this post, we're sharing our Quick Guide tips for customizing your Wall before your next big meeting.

Start customizing your wall now by logging in to update your Wall using our Quick Guide tips below. New to StartMeeting?  Sign up for a StartMeeting account.

 Quick Guide: Customizing Your Meeting Wall

1.  Add your photo or company logo
-Click Edit on the Host Information section of your Wall.
-Once you've uploaded your images, be sure to click Save.

2.  Update your contact information
-Chose Edit on the Host Information section of your Wall.
-Add links to your website, bulleted or numbered lists, and customize the color and font of your text using our simple editing toolbar.
-Click Save to apply changes.

3. Change your meeting background
-Locate the Wall Preferences menu in the upper right corner of your Wall.
-Under General Options, use the tools provided to change your background color.
-Once you've selected your color, click Save to apply the changes.

4.  Customize your meeting alias to be anything you'd like! For example, you can update your meeting alias to "StatusMeeting" or "MarketingMeeting," and use this URL going forward. You may also change your alias at any time.
-Access the My Account menu located in the upper right corner of your Meeting Wall.
-Click the Profile tab to adjust your meeting credentials.
-Click the pencil icon to edit your Meeting Alias.
-Click Submit to save your changes.
-Provide your audience with your updated Meeting Wall URL for instant access to your meeting resources.
-Ensure that your meeting resources remain confidential, enable a password for your Wall by adjusting the settings on your Wall Preferences.

Need more help? Visit our complete Instructions page here, or contact us for more assistance.

Stay tuned for more Quick Guide tips on how to make the most of your StartMeeting account!

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