Category Archives: How-To

How To: Upload a Custom Greeting

Customizing your online meetings and conference calls has never been easier. Allow us to help you build your brand by activating a custom greeting.  Custom greetings ensure that when your conference call and online meeting participants connect with you, they will hear the custom greeting of your choice.  Whether you want to welcome clients to an important sales call or provide a quick agenda for meeting with your team members, you can customize your greeting as much or as little as you like, for just $2.00 per month.

Get Started:

Quick Guide: Record, Manage, & Share Meeting Resources on Your Wall

Last month, we shared tips on how to customize your Meeting Wall. Now, we're sharing more information on how you can start sharing better using your Wall to access recorded calls and share meeting documents, links and presentations. To get started, see our Quick Guide tips below.

Quick Guide: Record, Manage, and Share Meeting Resources on Your Wall Read More...

Share Better Using Your StartMeeting Wall

Your Meeting Wall is your virtual conference room. It's always open, requires no reservations, and allows you quickly and conveniently host collaborative meetings, share meeting materials, and participate in live discussions via chat or voice.

Loaded with customizable features, your Meeting Wall is a great way to collaborate and share materials with your audience before, during, and after your meetings. In this post, we're sharing our Quick Guide tips for customizing your Wall before your next big meeting. Read More...

StartMeeting Radio: Meetings Gone Viral

Sharing your message with as many people as possible has never been easier now that StartMeeting includes a built-in Radio function. Radio allows you to stream your message to listeners across the world directly from your Meeting Wall – without the risk of interruptions or the hassle of moderating thousands of participants.

With Radio, anyone with your Meeting Wall URL may access your online audio stream. Best of all, this service is free and set up takes only a few minutes. Read More...